By R.A. “Bob” Marshall
Guest Contributor
According the SBA, there are more than 60 active small business lending agencies in Oklahoma. All but three are banks. The three that are not banks are in business to loan money and nothing else. In Tulsa, the organization is TEDC Creative Capital, on their website it states: “TEDC makes direct loans and participates with other financial institutions on small business projects that fall short of conventional lending standards. In today’s economic climate, most small businesses can benefit from TEDC’s menu of loan programs. Special consideration is given to companies that create and retain jobs, to businesses located in special targeted areas, and to entrepreneurs who have traditionally faced barriers to capital access.”
Borrowers may be required to pay a credit report fee of $35 at the beginning of the loan application process.
The Executive Director of Tulsa Economic Development Corporation (TEDC) is Rose M. Washington and she has always been a friend of the Tulsa small business community. One fruit of her organization’s work is the group of shops in the seventeen hundred block on North Peoria.
On Thursday, March 9, at the Tulsa Technology Center, Lumley Memorial Campus Training Center, 3420 S. Memorial Drive, more than 12 banks will join TEDC to present a one-stop opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs to:
- Pitch financing needs to multiple lenders in one-on-one 15 min. sessions.
- Learn more about lending requirements.
- Access business advisory services available through a variety of resource organizations such as SCORE, Small Business Development Center, Women’s Business Center, Career-Tech, Chambers of Commerce, etc.
It’s like visiting your favorite “all you can eat restaurant,” your favorite choices under one roof.
Here is what you do:
- REGISTER at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/small-business-lenderborrower-matchmaking-event-tulsa-tickets-15718402164.
- Dust off that business plan.
- Compose a single page summary for the lender to review.
- It goes without saying, “Dress for Success.”
You don’t have a business plan? Go to: www.tulsa.score.org, click on “Templates & Tools,” select the template that fits your needs, download it and you’re in business, almost.